
Showing posts from December, 2011

OpenERP Installation Guide

OpenERP Setup Tour! From Installation to Production. [Complete Details] Using this blog you will be able to install the complete package of OpenERP thanks to my colleague Anup Chavda. ( ) You can use the GTK client and also the Web client as well.   Installing OpenERP on Linux Install all the python packages in the system. You can have the following packages installed manually by running all the commands manually on the terminal.  sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib sudo apt-get install python2.6-pyparsing sudo apt-get install python2.6-imaging sudo apt-get install python-psycopg2 sudo apt-get install python-libxslt1 sudo apt-get install python-libxml2 sudo apt-get install graphviz sudo apt-get install postgresql-8.4 sudo apt-get install pgadmin3 sudo apt-get install python-lxml sudo apt-get install mx44 sudo apt-get install python-reportlab sudo apt-get inst...